(77) Trisha can give shock to the electric current by just a touch.
(78) Trisha has no license but she can drive all crazy.
(79) God took the stars out of the sky and put them in trishas eyes.
(80) If you search for the word 'beautiful' in the dictionary ''Trishas'' name will be included.
(81) Trisha's walk is similar to that of a pigeons walk, her thighs were made of thunder and coated with a sacred honey which can be only found in heaven.
(82) Trisha is a Big LoveBug, she blesses all the people who loves and worships her.
(83) Trisha's finger nails are natural, adorable and very healthy. one nail from her finger is costliest more than an average african elephants tusks.
(84) When trisha was young in her schooldays she used to eat a lot of rubber, so her body had become more flexible that she can dance really well now.
(78) Trisha has no license but she can drive all crazy.
(79) God took the stars out of the sky and put them in trishas eyes.
(80) If you search for the word 'beautiful' in the dictionary ''Trishas'' name will be included.
(81) Trisha's walk is similar to that of a pigeons walk, her thighs were made of thunder and coated with a sacred honey which can be only found in heaven.
(82) Trisha is a Big LoveBug, she blesses all the people who loves and worships her.
(83) Trisha's finger nails are natural, adorable and very healthy. one nail from her finger is costliest more than an average african elephants tusks.
(84) When trisha was young in her schooldays she used to eat a lot of rubber, so her body had become more flexible that she can dance really well now.